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Hong Kong Company Formation

Choosing a right place to setup your company is a prerequisite for success of your business

Business Meeting


Hong Kong Company and Bank Account - Make your business blossom


There are many advantages to incorporate a company in Hong Kong:

Incorporate a Company Remotely

International entrepreneurs can setup your Hong Kong company without physical present in Hong Kong. GB IBC assists you to prepare all statutory forms, registered office, company secretary and others to accomplish the company formation process smoothly. 

Expedited Registration Service - Company Formation within 24 hours

Your Hong Kong company can be registered within a day. 

Nominee Services

Nominee service is an intermediary ownership and management tool, it also helps to protect the privacy of original owner. GB IBC can provide nominee services to suit your business need. Company with nominees can open bank account.  

International Financial Hub Enjoying Economic Freedom

Hong Kong is a world class financial hub topped the world in economic freedom for the 19th consecutive years (Heritage Foundation’s index 2015). There is no restriction for foreign exchange, no restriction on ownership and trading of real estate, securities, precious metals.  Hong Kong has it’s own economy system which is protected by Basic Law under “One Country Two System”.


Friendly Business Environment

• Can incorporate a company remotely

• No minimum share capital,

• no paid-up capital requirement

• No nationality requirement, investors around the world are always welcome

• No residency requirement for directors and shareholders

• No restriction on business nature

• Free movement of capital, talent, goods and information

• Board meeting can be held anywhere in the world


Simple Tax system

Hong Kong adopts the territorial source principle of taxation. Only profits which have a source in Hong Kong are taxable. Profits sourced elsewhere are not subject to Hong Kong Profits Tax. GB IC 


Tax Concessionary Measure – significant reduction on tax burden, great incentive to start your business in HK

From year of assessment 2018/9, the profits tax rate for the first $2 million of profits of corporations will be lowered to 8.25 per cent. Profits above that amount will continue to be subject to the tax rate of 16.5 per cent.


Waiver of Business Registration Fees for One Year

Further incentive to make Hong Kong more attractive to international entrepreneurs. The Hong Kong government announced that Business Registration Fee will be reduced by a sum of $2,000 within the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020.


If you would like to know more, please contact us or download our brochures.

Download our brochures here:

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